With Me
Sum 41
I don't want this moment
To ever end
Where everything's nothing, without you
I wait here forever just to,
To see you smile
Cause it's true
I am nothing without you
Through it all
I've made my mistakes
I stumble and fall
But I mean these words
I want you to know
With everything, I won't let this go
These words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know
Cause I bleed my heart out to show
That I won't let go
Thoughts read unspoken
Forever and now
Pieces of memories
Fall to the ground
I know what I didn't have so
I won't let this go
Cause it's true
I am nothing without you
All the streets, where I walked alone
With nowhere to go
Have come to an end
I want you to know
With everything, I won't let this go
These words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know
Cause I bleed my heart out to show
That I won't let go
In front of you're eyes
It falls from the skies
When you don't know what you're looking to find
In front of you're eyes
It falls from the skies
When you just never know what you will find
(What you will find [x4])
I don't want this moment
To ever end
Where every thing's nothing, without you
I want you to know
With everything, I won't let this go
These words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know
Cause I bleed my heart out to show
That I won't let go
played at the end of Victor/Victrola with Chuck/Blair in the limo.

my schedule for the nxt 2 months
ive actually done up all the way till feb.
but space constraints.
i would really love to prnt everything in one page.
thans yee for the
im offically out of the workforce once more.
and baq to being a student.
anw, some (if not all) pics i took in canon.
the last day was .. actually ok
until my dear sweet neighbour produced her own farewell gift for me;
wa, teared man.
anw, the first few pics are taken during 5/6; shifang's last day
spent lunch hour at the lounge

`the view

`magnificent view, with cup noodles for accompaniment.

`ms future architect

`during one of the OT days...

`the walk to the singapore flyer w bel on 17/6

`fish tank office

`my messy table & dear neighbour at the background

`the super-hard-to-get tickets which i wished so hard for.

`21/6's OT.
the last look at canon office..

`by hui yen. LOL
she was copying the kungfu panda character that happen to be infront of her
ook, that sums up the past few weeks
since it has been OT after work almost everyday since 2 weeks ago.
lucky, otherwise my jun pay would be measly.
17/6 was out to celebrate my dear girl's bday in advance
and i was tasked with the after-sale service of helping her look for a replacement chain for the agnes b necklace i gave her. -.- help me keep a lookout everyone. LOL
and all the way no life till.. the nite after my official last day of work.
was gossiping abt a certain someone at work with hui yen till was abit late to meet clift.
oh well. get smart was nice. esp with
someone beside me
who was HAHAHHAH-ing all the way.
and i really was damnnnn damn damn damnnnn glad that we got tickets.
its such a apt movie to watch w that 2 retards.
saturday was baq at office for OT and also pack up the last bits of my belongings from noris's table. now its like how she left me her table on... 25th apr.
tsk, should've taken the 'after' i pack up her table photo.
and during my last ten mins in canon, toured the entire 4th floor with hui yen
but couldnt find someone's table .. tsk.
anw, just came baq from bridging econs.
tsk, either that someone didnt turn up today
or he told me his timing wrongly.
tsk. but
ANYWAYYY, its jus a treat for the eyes.
and OHYA, nxt
retards (or part-retards) outing to IKEA pls!!
becos my mom manage to persuade dad to buy me the featured item below!!
in addition, i also believe ikea would quite an apt playground for retards.
((: so pls, make it happen.
presenting the farewell gift that triggered my tears

i tink she gave my this because during one of the OT days,
i ate 3 packets in a row
and even went to her drawer and dug for more
so when she said: "nah, ur farewell gift"
and produced that,
i was like wa, really ah? u bring to refill ur drawer one rite....
shes really been a great help.
always helping me when i rap my knuckles on the glass that separate our tanks.
but i rid the glass of all my fingerprints on my 2nd last day ok.
and so, i guess my neighbours would enjoy peace from now on.
happy bday bro!
depressing sunday & days ahead..
im so damn wishing time could turn rewind to this moment a week ago now;
before all the fun started.
even if i have to face a torturous monday at work again, i seriously wont mind.
anw, im jus short of handing the uol application form to relc.
i cant tink of a 100words compo why i wana choose tis program.
if only,
i can write 'by elimination' 50 times.
breathe in breathe out.
good luck! LOL
28th may o8:
hmm how should i start man.
err, graduation is just.. graduation loh.
actually planned to take class picture with all the classmates ive had in my 3 wonderful years.
but, we had enormous trouble finding even mr chu mingwei.
much less all the classmates.
anw, heartbeat was normal till were waiting to climb up the steps to the stage.
it suddenly reminded me of choir days; just that im doing tis alone tis time.
have no impression of walking the red carpet.
even thou when i was watching those graduands with surname b4 my W walk,
ive been paying close attention to the way they walk and thanked i wasnt wearing heels.
but hav no impression whatsoever when it was my turn doing the act..
afterwich, twas photo taking session.
returned the stupid gown and was home.
interval for night program. :DDD

`at least theres a 2nd line after my name

`LT68B for the first & last time.

`with beloved mr yik! ((:

`ding ding!!

`the 3 musketeeeeers.

`wif pokie & gabe

`with thea theaaaa~~

`7/11 of the shanghai gang!!!

`with lesbo lesbo~~!!

`apparently, we finally found mr chu!!

`jedi knights

`with the top student who sang during his speechhh...


`proj mates / groupiess!!
thans for all !!

`dear lookalike

`the dancing partners
who lived up to their names abt 12hours later?

`dear kmate.
althou i dont k as much nowadays. lol

`with mr peck & mr fum.

`the jokers from tb23..

`with ms tan.
however only 9/19. pathetic.

`7/11 from the shanghai gang AGAIN.

`missing: joyce, chloe, eugene, david, christina
reached zouk like wad? 0830? LOL
we even cabbed down cos we were damn scared phuture would be full.
even lol evnough to ask the uncle to pick beng @ copthorne then go to zouk.
he mus be LOL-ing inside himself.
anw, i shall skip till we enter like 10plus.
the 2jugs of ribena vodka earned us a reserved place.
the whole phuture was about occupied by us np. shiokness.
the result of the wonder ribena vodka was a tipsy me like b4 11?
super early to be tipsy; no one was dancing, no action in short.
and going to the toilet never got so complicated. LOL.
anw, the action started abt err. after the person who reserved the place came like 1plsus.
muahah. shall not say anyting more than long island tea sux.
in between, the toilet full of drunk np gals from IS classes got pretty funny.
and so was cheryl who was sober enough to combine the 2 jars of long island tea into one b4 vomitting into one.
left the club when the lights came on.
and cabbed baq to kap.
where we saw wf & gang, true np man.
waitied till macs open at 0530 and had breakfast b4 hitting bed at 7plus till 12.
advice: never dance/jump/hop in high heels. :D

`sober times. LOL.

`tyb's face is HILARIOUS!!!!!!

`the tipsy queen & her 2escorts.

`the gang. ((:

`not-so-alike lookalikes.

`b4 doing their thang at the dancefloor.

`the accompaniment to toilet..

`open those eyes big..

`mambo was LOL..

`yours truly's personal favorite.

`the luminous wf. thans for always pulling me up!

`guess who!!

`the last pic b4 we go...

`2905 0600am@kap.
that concludes one of the most memorable day in my life.
anws, baq to work tml.
as much as i love the previous week; weekend-work-work-party-rest-work-weekend,
ive counted. ive 15working days left.
before i hit the classrooms again.
and cross the bridge at all cost.
my bro is baq frm cambodia.
drama 5 days they've had.
had a nice drive there thru kpe.
jolly. dun keep me hoping for more.